Eureka Brake & Automotive
2002 2nd St, Eureka, CA 95501 707.443.2122

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Diagnostic Service

Imagine waking up one morning with a stomachache.  You pick up the phone, call the doctor’s office and say, “I’ve got a really bad tummy ache.  How much will it cost to mak...
Published on: Nov 24, 2022

Deciphering The Menu Board At Service Centers : Part 2

You may not be familiar with all the items on your service center’s menu board so here is a quick description of some of the typical services that might be listed.  Remember, the board is t...
Published on: Jun 08, 2012

Technician Training At Eureka Brake & Automotive; You're In Good Hands

Your vehicle is so important to your life in Eureka: when it breaks down, you need it back on the road as soon as possible – with the problem fixed right the first time. If you've ever check into some...
Published on: Nov 08, 2011

Customer Detective Work In Eureka CA

One might say the most challenging part of being an automotive service technician in Eureka is diagnosing a problem before it can be fixed.Cars in Eureka are made up of a bunch of complex systems. The...
Published on: Aug 04, 2011

On-Board Diagnostics in Eureka CA

Some are confused by charges for diagnostic services for a vehicle repair.  Many services include diagnostic fees.  When you take your laptop in for a problem, you’ll likely have to le...
Published on: Jun 16, 2011